Affiliate Marketing and its importance – MLM Software company Malaysia

What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is an online sales tactic that lets a product owner increase sales by allowing others targeting the same audience—“affiliates”—to earn a commission by recommending the product to others. At the same time, it makes it possible for affiliates to earn money on product sales without creating products of their own. Affiliate Marketing is a type of marketing practice where the affiliates recruit sub-affiliates and earn some fixed percentage on the sale happened through sub-affiliates by using the unique referral ID or link provided to the sub-affiliates. The sub-affiliates, in turn, can recruit another level of sub-affiliates to earn a similar commission. This goes on like a chain process in Affiliate Marketing. How it works? To participate in an affiliate marketing program, you’ll need to take these five simple steps: Join an affiliate program. Pick a product to promote. Obtain a un...